Another Thanksgiving day has come and gone, completely overshadowed by the day we’ve come to know as Black Friday. Touted as the busiest shopping day of the year, the day when retailers finally start to operate in the black and the beginning of the Christmas season, who can resist the opportunity? I’ve participated in the craziness many times.

In order to keep up with the competition and attract their share of customers, stores open their doors earlier every year. Last year, several retailers opened at midnight. This year, some opened the evening of Thanksgiving and stayed open all night.
How will they top that next year? Maybe we’ll all be expected to head out to the stores as soon as the turkey is put away. Or maybe we could start on Wednesday and make it a five-day weekend. Don’t laugh – marketing people across the country are already addressing this question.
After all, it’s nothing to get up at the crack of dawn, stand in line with a thousand other folks for a supply of two hundred big screen TVs and go ballistic when the guy in front of us gets the last one. That’s what Black Friday is all about, right? What’s next?
I didn’t go shopping on Black Friday this year, and I didn’t miss it. And you – Mr. Retailer – who maybe didn’t make it into the black because I stayed home – you’ll have another opportunity. I’ll be out there sometime before Christmas but, just so you know, if I can’t find a decent price on that big screen TV or whatever I’m looking for, I’ll be coming home without it.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend in spite of – or maybe because of Black Friday. Did anyone have an uplifting Black Friday shopping experience?